On the law character of construction project loan preference; Discussions on the Contractors Priority for Construction Fund 论建设工程款优先受偿权之法律性质
There are two main doctrines on the legal character of securities counter-purchase: doctrine of collateral loan and doctrine of conditional sale. 证券回购交易单位是指证券交易所对回购交易双方参与回购交易委托买卖的数量规定。
I never write wrong character, but I write loan characters. 俺从不写错字,但俺写通假字。
The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担
Information asymmetry is an important character in small business credit market. Severe information asymmetry between banks and small businesses will bring banks about adverse selection risks before loan lending and moral hazard after lending, which is just the very reason why banks crunch small business loans. 信息不对称是小企业信贷市场上的一个重要特征,严重的银企信息不对称会在授信前给银行带来逆向选择风险、在授信后带来道德风险,是银行惜贷的根本原因。
Besides household character, credit products and loan procedure also affect credit demand. 除农户家庭特征外,贷款产品与贷款程序也是影响农户正规信贷需求的重要原因。
In addition, the Bank of Ningxia also vigorously promote character, store business model, based on geography, industry and professional markets, etc., were established "lingwu cashmere loan center"," loans rather wolfberry center" eight financial service centers. 此外,宁夏银行还大力推行特色化、门市化经营模式,依据地域、行业和专业市场等特点,分别成立了灵武羊绒贷款中心、中宁枸杞贷款中心等8个金融服务中心。
Rear projection is relative to the front projection character. "Projection" is behind the projection display system, is a kind of loan projection and reflection principle, will screen and projection system in an imaging system. 背投即背后投影,是一种利用反射原理和投影技术将投影系统和屏幕组装成一体的成像显示系统。